Banished to the Island:
July 11th 2023
It was a busy morning. After breakfast we packed a few things in the car and drove down to the boat.
I had volunteered to give up our slip for the duration of a special international regatta that the club is hosting this year. Many visiting boats are expected to attend the four-day event.
With a packed lunch, we pulled out of the harbour quite early in order to avoid the high winds expected later today. We tucked her into an inside slip at the island where she'll stay until Saturday evening.
Donna got right to work putting a second coat of paint on the pilothouse floor.
The harbourmaster had volunteered to pick us up at the island but we got a lift back with Riley aboard his sailboat.
Yesterday, I got a bit of work done on the plumbing connections. So far, the work is progressing at an acceptable pace. However, I still need to locate a few (rare) plumbing fittings.
I have also been doing a bit of work at home, applying 'Helmsman' urethane finish to a few teak accessories that we recently acquired.
Two coats done, one to go.
In the foreground is a hand-hold that may serve as a small towel rack. Behind it is a real towel rack. There's also a toilet paper roll holder and a large magazine rack (that fits our two flip charts plus our two guide books, one for the Thousand Islands and one for the Rideau Waterway.
Thanks for reading our blog!