Building an Outboard Trawler - Aug 26th -
Hot and humid again. We cut our workday short because of the heat, but we did get an early start and we got a lot done.
Donna 'scrubbied' the new splashwell floor to remove the amine blush. Then she sanded the whole thing. We had a bit of trouble with one corner when we originally coated the area with glass and epoxy. Donna fixed up the bad corner and soon it will be ready for paint.
I continued working on the vented battery box and made a lid for it.
The back part of the lid will be fixed and the forward part will open (hinged).
In preparation for wiring work, Donna painted the back wall of the main electrical panel.
She added a coat of Cetol on the cabin door frame.
Donna also did a bit more work on her vintage dorade box.
I permanently installed the cockpit floor hatch, the horn and the anchor light.
We worked together to reinstall the two lower motor mount bolts that we had removed to clear the way for work on the splashwell floor.
It was hot, humid and uncomfortable but we got a lot done.
That makes it another great day!