Building an Outboard Trawler - Feb 26th '23
Dinghy Work:
Not satisfied with having the stern seat simply glued into the boat, I decided to add screws as well. I cut plugs to cover the screws, drilled plug holes and glued the plugs in. I also added a strip of fiberglass to tab the vertical support to the bottom panel.

When the glue hardened, I trimmed all the plugs in both the seats. They are hardly noticeable.

Doing a small section each day (so as not to stink up the house too much) I eventually got all the interior coated with clear epoxy, finishing it yesterday.

Now the interior construction of the boat is all done! It still needs sanding and a couple of coats of paint, but that can wait.
Early this morning, Donna and I flipped the boat over. Referring to the plans, I cut out a piece of 1/2" plywood for the skeg and dry-fit the piece onto the boat.

After morning break, I cut out 2 strips of 1/4" plywood to laminate onto the center of the bottom (forward of the skeg) to serve as a centerline 'keel' and sacrificial bottom strake for groundings.
Using epoxy again, I glued the first bottom strake in place, holding it down with weights used as clamps. When it has cured (tomorrow), I'll laminate the other strip on top.

I also glued the skeg in place by its edge, holding it with masking tape.

This is a type of 'tack weld' arrangement. When the epoxy sets up, I will add a good filet each side and strips of fiberglass on top of those to strengthen the connection.
It's going slowly but I am enjoying every minute because, to coin a phrase, "Believe me my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” So says Ratty to Mole in Kenneth Grahame's classic novel 'The Wind in the Willows'.
Goodbye Covid!
Donna has kicked Covid's butt out the door. Yesterday, eleven days after the first symptoms, she tested negative!
She's over it!
Also, all the masking, hand washing, full-time ventilation and 'social distancing' we've been doing in the house seems to have worked. I didn't catch it (unless I caught it and showed no symptoms at all). I'm very happy about that because I'll need to be in shape to sing for the quickly-approaching March 11th gig.
I'm gonna be careful for a couple more days, just in case.
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