Building an Outboard Trawler - Great Progress
With help from Mike and Noreen over the last week, we have made great strides toward our goal of 'closing up' the boat before we have to leave the shelter (mid-September).
Before they left yesterday, Mike and Noreen helped us with a couple more things.
First was assembling the initial layer of roof panel. Mike had previously cut the scarf joints in the plywood and we glued the two long panels together over a 1/2" plywood butt block with Noreen's custom made gluing weights to clamp everything together while it cured.
Second was cutting and fitting a couple of temporary roof beams.
Today, according to the weather service, it's the last of the stupid hot days. Watch it snow next week! We worked until about 1:30 pm.
Howard helped us lift the big panel up onto the boat where Donna and I wrestled the thing into place.
We admired it over morning coffee break and then placed a few weights up there to encourage it into the best shape possible over the next few days.
From inside, we see how, with the weights on, it fits nicely over the walls and ends (and temporary beams).
Donna and I also continued the work of laying the foredeck. We cut the next sheet of 'first layer' and dry-fit it into place.
Good Progress! Although we have many days to go before the other layers of cabin top are on and bonded into place, and before the deck plywood is all on (both layers), we are cautiously optimistic that we'll have her closed up and glassed before we have to leave the shelter. We are definitely on the homestretch . . . . . stay tuned. . . . .