Building an Outboard Trawler - Milestone Day!
Well, it wasn't stinkin' hot today. But it wasn't a nice day. We had rain all day. No breaks. It rained all &*%$@ day.
But we are under a cover and we worked on the boat in spite of the monsoon.
Because we are discouraged from doing any cutting in the shelter, we built a shelter within the shelter (under the bow) so we could run the circular saw and the table saw without getting dust all over the other boats.
Donna sanded and painted the areas that were to be covered by the benches. Don't get the wrong idea from the photo of me painting. I was just helping out while Donna took a 'breather' away from the enamel fumes.
When the painting was done, we cut another two carlins for the stern lockers.
We notched the beams and attached the new carlins (red arrow) . . .
. . . . and we cut out the seat backs and we attached the seats and seat backs.
So, the cockpit seats are done! Banner Day!
The deck framing is complete! Banner Day!
It was a long day. Got home at 5 pm. But it was well worth it.
And Now for Something Completely Different
What have you accomplished in the last 6 years?
You gotta watch this little video.
In the last 6 years, this kid was born, learned to walk, learned a language, learned how to sing and learned how to play the ukulele. Amazing or what?
Sometimes, I'm ashamed and embarrassed by the things we do as a species. But sometimes, I see something like this.
Just watch her expressions as she performs. . .