Nearing Completion!
July 21st. 2023
Boat Work
Donna finished up all the painting!
The little cubbies over the settees look much better!
The helm station floor, complete with the recently-built locker lid.
The navigator station floor.
She has also created all the curtains.
We hung them today.
We used small pad eyes to hold up wire (with crimped ferrules creating loops at each end).
Here's the port side cabin window (starboard side similar).
The window in the head (galley similar)
This large curtain will be stowed and hung only when we sleep aboard.
Curtains hung! What a milestone!
I continued working on the plumbing and got the pressure pump going.
This next photo shows our flush toilet flushing! Another milestone!
I finished the plumbing for the galley sink. The next photo shows all the connections, including the drain tube going through the floor.
Yet another milestone. . . . .running water at the galley sink (manual pump).
There is no running water yet at the sink in the head. That will be a separate manual (foot) pump.
The next photo shows where the drain tube ends with a shut-off valve (it's in the forward bilge area under the center pilothouse floor hatch).
Great Progress!
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