Outboard Trawler Build - Dinghy Work Continues -
January 22, 2023
We left the bottom panel and the two bilge panels in 'traction' overnight, coaxing them into shape.
This morning I got to work with a block plane to put a small bevel on the inside edges of the bilge panels.
I drilled matching 'stitching' holes in the transom panel and the floor panel and attached the stern transom panel, leaving the zip ties loose.
I did the same thing with the bow panel and the frame.
From this point on, Donna helped me with the cumbersome assembly. We attached the middle of the bilge panels to the frame.
Then, one at a time, we bent the the panels toward the stern and used the drilled holes in the bilge panels as guides to mark the location of the matching stitch holes in the bottom.
Working slowly from the frame toward the stern and alternating sides as we went, we drilled the holes and attached the zip ties. When we reached the stern transom, there was quite a bit of tension on the panels. For added strength, we used copper wire for the last stitch on each side. Then we attached the bilge panel ends to the stern transom.
By around 1:30PM we had the stern section all stitched up.
Working toward the bow was a bit harder because the curve is more pronounced and the bilge panels are wider. I used a piece of line to pull the forward end of the panels together as we proceeded forward with the stitching.
I tightened the line as we went along with the stitching.
When we were close enough to the bow, I laced the stitches loosely where the bilge panels connect to the bow transom. Every time we advanced with a stitch on the bottom, I tightened the bow stitches a bit.
Eventually, everything tightened up. We used copper wire again for the last stitch on each side of the bottom at the bow. Then I looked up and whaddaya know? Wine Time.
It was a good day and . . . . . she's starting to look like something!
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